Terms and conditions
Albergaria Quim Barreiros reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time, simply by posting the changes online on the Site, and it is the User's sole responsibility to check and comply with them when using the Site. Use of the Site after the changes have been published constitutes acceptance of the updated wording of the Terms of Use. If you do not agree with the changes made or, in general, with the Terms of Use, you must immediately stop using the Site and the Services.

By accessing, using and downloading materials from the Site, the User agrees, on his/her own behalf and/or on behalf of the entity on whose behalf he/she is acting, to comply punctually with the provisions of these Terms of Use, guaranteeing that he/she is empowered to act on behalf of the third party he/she represents, if this is the case.

Access to the Services by any means other than through the interface provided by Albergaria Quim Barreiros is expressly prohibited, as is access (or attempted access) to the Site and/or the Services by automated means (including the use of scripts or ERS web crawl).

It is expressly forbidden to use the Site for purposes other than those for which it is intended, including illegal purposes or any other that may be considered harmful to the image of Albergaria Quim Barreiros in the market. Usurpation, counterfeiting, use of usurped or counterfeited content, illegitimate identification and unfair competition are punishable by criminal law. The User is also prohibited from creating or introducing into this Site any type of virus or program that damages or contaminates it, or advising third parties to do so.
Albergaria Quim Barreiros reserves the right to (i) modify, add or remove parts of the Terms of Use at any time; (ii) modify or terminate the Services for any reason and without prior notice at any time; (iii) remove User Accounts whose content is unlawful, offensive, threatening, defamatory, pornographic, obscene or objectionable or that violates third party intellectual property rights or the Terms of Use; (v) modify, replace, refuse access to the Site and the Services, suspend or discontinue them, partially or totally. These alterations will take effect from their placement on the Site or from the date of sending any communications.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, albergaria quim barreiros assumes no liability to the user for:
(i) any damages resulting from:
(a) any judgment by the user as to the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertisement or any relationship or transaction entered into with any advertiser whose advertising is displayed on the services or in the albergaria quim barreiros newsletter;
(b) any changes that albergaria quim barreiros may make to the services or any permanent or temporary cessation of the provision of the services (or any features of the services);
(c) the deletion, corruption or storage error of any content or other communications data maintained or transmitted by or through the use of the services;
(d) the direct or indirect violation of the terms of use;
(e) the failure to maintain the security and confidentiality of the password or user account details.

The liability of albergaria quim barreiros for compensation for any consequential damages and loss of profits related to the site and services caused by albergaria quim barreiros, its representatives or assistants is limited to cases in which it acts with intent or serious fault. if you disagree, in whole or in part, with the site or services, or with the terms of use, you only have the right to stop using the site or services, as applicable, and to demand the cancellation of your user account, if it exists or has been created.
Any notifications and communications from Albergaria Quim Barreiros to the User under the Terms of Use should preferably be made to the email address or address provided by the User in their User Account, without prejudice to Albergaria Quim Barreiros being able to use other elements and forms of contact.Any notifications, communications and complaints from the User should preferably be made to the email [reservas@albergariaquimbarreiros.com] .

5.1. The characteristics of the Hotel and the Accommodation are those set out in the reservation. However, since the photographs of the Hotel were not taken on the day the Customer made the reservation, there may be non-substantial differences between the photograph and the reality on the date of the enjoyment of the services contracted by the Customer, which do not entitle the Customer to any modification of the Contract.

5.2. The prices shown are per room, but may be shown per person or according to other characteristics, which in any case will be duly indicated on the website when making a reservation. If it is possible to make a reservation for a number of people greater than the normal capacity of the Accommodation, an extra bed may have to be placed, which may not have the same comfort and quality as the other beds in the Accommodation, reducing its useful area, as well as children's beds.

5.3. Albergaria Quim Barreiros does not have a breakfast service.

5.4. The reservation does not include any meals.

5.5. The group, category and denomination of the hotel unit in which the Accommodation is located are determined by the applicable legislation of the host state.

5.6. If there is an overbooking situation (i.e. more bookings than available Accommodation) at Albergaria Quim Barreiros where the Accommodation booked by the Client is located, the Client expressly acknowledges and accepts that Albergaria Quim Barreiros may place the Client in another Accommodation in the same Hotel unit or in another Hotel of the same category (in any case, ensuring that the quality of the Accommodation provided is not inferior to that of the Accommodation booked by the Customer), at no additional cost to the Customer, and without, for this reason, being entitled to any compensation or termination of the Contract.

5.7. As a rule, the Accommodation can be used from 14:00 on the day of arrival and must be vacated before 12:00 on the day of departure (in both cases, at the local time of the respective accommodation. Staying in the Accommodation beyond the departure time may result in the payment of additional amounts, which are the sole responsibility of the Client.

5.8. If the Client does not show up at Albergaria Quim Barreiros by 23:59 on the check-in date indicated on the booking receipt, the Hotel may disregard the booking and sell the Accommodation to a third party, for which Albergaria Quim Barreiros cannot be held responsible.

5.9. The Customer must comply with the internal rules of use of Albergaria Quim Barreiros, if any, and Albergaria Quim Barreiros cannot be held responsible for any losses suffered by the Customer as a result of violating them.


6.1 The Customer must pay the amount indicated on the booking form as a prerequisite to be able to take advantage of the contracted reservation.

6.2 Payment of the reservation can be made by the Customer (i) on the Website, on the date of making the reservation or (ii) at the Hotel, on the date of entry into the Accommodation (if this mode is available for the type of reservation made by the Customer).

The cancellation of reservations made through the Site may result in the loss of part or all of the amount of the reservation in favor of Albergaria Quim Barreiros Hotel, in accordance with the reservation policy of the selected rate.

8. TAX
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the price of the reservation is also subject to taxes legally due (including, in particular, Value Added Tax), which will be charged to the Customer together with the reservation at the legal rate in force, depending on the services contracted.

The Contract shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Portugal and any disputes arising from the validity, conclusion, execution, breach, termination or interpretation of the Contract shall be resolved exclusively by the District Court of Caminha, without prejudice to the applicable mandatory legal rules.

“Traveling is changing the clothes of your soul”
Mário Quintana
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